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WTC is a non-profit ministry to the church at large. Event registration fees only cover a portion of our on-site event costs. All remaining expenses are funded through regular giving and love offerings from those who wish to support the ministry. You may give to our General Fund, or if you feel so led, you may designate financial gifts to the Fee Assistance Fund which reserves funds to help those who cannot afford an entire registration fee on their own.


​Ways to Give


  • Cheques should be made payable to “Wholeness Through Christ Canada Society” and mailed to Wholeness Through Christ Treasurer, 72 Bowkett Drive, Richmond Hill, ON, L4E 0J6.

  • E-transfer donations are to be sent to, followed by an email to the Treasurer with your name, your donation amount, any designations, if applicable, and your full mailing address so a year-end receipt can be sent to you. All gifts over $20 will receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year.




Please note: This section is for donations only. To avoid foreign transaction charges, please click the button next to the appropriate country of funds you are donating with.


Wholeness Through Christ Canada
Wholeness Through Christ USA


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