Your Stories - Testimonials
I came to WTC this year feeling stuck with grief and burdened with much responsibilities with my family. It just felt so heavy and difficult to navigate. The Lord met me through this time. He showed me that He loves me as wide and deep as the biggest ocean. I also heard from Him at my PMA that I do not need to bear my burdens. He came not only to exchange my sins for Life but He’s more than capable and willing to bear my burdens for me. Freedom is a great feeling!
This is a ministry I would encourage everyone I know to attend. [It is] so vital in one’s walk with Jesus. My walk will never be the same after attending Wholeness. Only in Christ can we be whole. He is the great physician in healing of our brokenness.
Over the two days of teaching the team members - led by the Holy Spirit - offered pictures and words to all of us attending. These were so instrumental in helping me to see what God wanted to do in me during my Prayer Ministry Appointment. With the team members' guidance, God showed me places in my history that had become a bondage and stronghold in my life. I recognized and confessed self-idolatry as a sin and received forgiveness. I also offered my pain to Jesus and received His healing. I have never felt so free in my life! For the first time in my life I felt I don't have to be afraid to be "me" and I feel I have gained back my ability to speak without fear of oppression. I no longer feel the overwhelming sense of inferiority and I know that I belong to Jesus and He takes great delight in me. I have also been taught to learn to walk with Jesus on a moment by moment basis. It has been an amazing and wonderful experience at the WTC Prayer Ministry Course! The whole process has been "soaked in prayer" before, during and after by intercessors, and I felt the Holy Spirit's gentle, peaceful presence throughout the entire process.
WTC has given me the tools that allowed the Lord to take the beginnings of my faith journey and build beautifully on them. The walls between my mind and heart are falling and I hear the Lord speaking so much more clearly. I have dealt with many issues from my past with Jesus leading – and this is by no means finished, but it has opened me to allow for a firsthand relationship with my heavenly Father, my Brother and King Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, my most wonderful Comforter and Guide.
My life is complicated and parts of it are very hard. That’s okay. When you know truly that you are a child of the Most High King, that the Creator of the universe is your brother and He “has your back,” and that the Holy Spirit is your confidante – life is good.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (John 14:6)
I attended three WTC events in Vancouver in the late 90s/early 2000s. Recently I was led to go to a weekend event in Victoria. Not knowing why I was there, the Lord revealed incredible pieces to the puzzles of my life. Through the Father’s grace and mercy, I was set free from fear and healed from brokenness. I was filled with and wrapped in enormous love, joy and healing. For all these years I have been so blessed. Although I am in senior years, I have a childlike enthusiasm for life. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you WTC ministry for your years of dedication and faithfulness.
I wanted to let you know how much the WTC retreat meant to me. The prayers that we were led through were so powerful but in a very gentle way. Although it seemed quiet from where we were sitting, I couldn’t help to sense what was happening in the spiritual was anything but quiet. Before I had agreed to come, I had taken a step away from God. I was asking questions and looking for answers from everywhere and everyone but God. I knew at the time it was hollow, but I couldn’t seem to stop. Not only did I let the enemy get a toe in, it seemed I had invited him to tea to ask his side of things. I was unknowingly giving him power in my life, all the time believing I was in charge. Thanks to the pastors at my church and your team, I was able to see what was happening. Thank you for showing me in practical ways how to get back. I think most people want this in their lives, they just don’t know how to access it or where to start.
While you were praying for healing from a sense of abandonment for me and teaching me to stand in the gap for my family, two adopted relatives in our extended family who have been deeply affected by abandonment issues have reconciled with each other for the first time in five years. It’s wonderful to see how the Lord works. Thank you.
I want to share how the Lord has been gradually healing me from fibromyalgia symptoms. It has been months of prayer. When I was
diagnosed with this illness, the doctor said that it was hereditary and unlikely to improve. However, I have witnessed the Lord's revelation of generational patterns affecting my health. With the support of a WTC team member, I continue to address and pray over these generational wounds that have not only contributed to my illness but also impacted my relationship with Christ. Recently, through another team member, God revealed a physical wound in my spine. I did not have any memory of this wounding but to my surprise, my mom confirmed that I had been wounded (physically and emotionally) at a young age. After this team member prayed and laid hands over me, I experienced a sense of feeling healthy again, with no pain and a sense of vitality. My mother, who has been very skeptical of my conversion to Christianity, said she would like to receive some WTC ministry. I continue to experience relief from pain (without medication), along with a renewed sense of hope and a deeper connection with God and in that connection, with myself and the ways he has created me. Sometimes I wish for instant relief from my symptoms, but I also find myself whispering "thank you" because I am eager to embrace this way of experiencing God's profound love.
Following personal prayer ministries at events, participants are invited to write a short phrase in response to their ministry time. Many comment about feeling love, cleansed, and freed. Others share their experience of release from shame, condemnation, or other dark places where they feel stuck. Following are a number of samples of these phrases, shared with permission.
A new sense of release into the arms of Jesus! BS, BC
Walking, running and dancing on water with Jesus. CW, BC
Transformed my mindset! BL, BC
Restoration! FK, BC
Freedom in Jesus from self-reliance. AS, BC
The Lord carries my burdens. Blessed!!! CB, AB
Set free to dance with the lover of my soul! PR, AB
Total freedom from abandonment and free from judgment. CU, BC
Thank you, Jesus, for leading me out of the pit of darkness into Your light. I am free from the chains that bound me. CH, BC I feel shining and clean…dressed in white! EH, AB Forgiven and released. GB, AB My wounds are healed! Trust is restored. Our God is a gentle and mighty God. LR, AB When He sets me free, I am FREE indeed! No more shame. LO, AB I’ve been nurtured by the Heavenly Father. RD, ON His banner over me is love! I am His and He is mine! DH, AB My ashes have been exchanged for beauty; my sorrow for comfort and joy. JK, AB I’m a beloved daughter set free with a future. PZ, AB I feel free! JG, ON I am complete! CAG, ON I’ve been freed to experience the LAVISH depths of His love! PR, AB I am valuable. S, AB Freed to express God-given emotion. HE, BC Beauty from ashes. MS, AB An undivided heart. LJ, AB Released to move forward; His control, not mine, His responsibility, not mine. Comforted in his arms. BB, AB Eyes opened to seeing myself the way Christ sees me – beautiful! LWS, AB Restored... EN, AB Wow! Feeling so surrounded by love and encouraged to move forward in freedom. AM, ON Sweet Jesus, I am your “Precious” Girl – created in Your image. Amen. DK, BC A most loved Child of the Most High God. AC, BC Free-er. Thank you, Jesus. KM, BC Now addicted to truth and reality. BDS, BC I am the New Creation; the old has gone, the new is here! SL, BC Beyond belief! KD, BC More in love with my Jesus. His banner over my family is, “Warriors of Truth, Trust” SH, BC I thought I was free and alive, but thank you, Lord, for “free and alive”! MCW, BC We would love to hear your story! If you’d like to share how your life has been impacted by God through WTC, please submit your brief story (maximum 150 words) to the Administrator.